You have 30 days from the date of delivery to return your item to us. The item must be unused and in the original packaging.
Please email to begin the return process.
We recommend using tracked postage to ensure your unwanted items get to us - we are not responsible for parcels that have been lost in transit and have no proof of return. Unfortunately we cannot cover the cost of return postage for unwanted items.
If you receive an incorrect, faulty or damaged item, please email us at within 7 days of your parcel arriving. Please enclose photographs of the faulty or damaged item where possible so we can begin the returns process for you. We will not accept responsibility for items damaged in transit.
Consumable goods cannot be returned unless the item is faulty. If you are unhappy with your coffee, please get in touch with us at Gift Vouchers are ineligible for return.
Socks are non-returnable due to hygiene reasons.
You can cancel your order 4 hours after the order is placed. Once it has been dispatched and sent, it must be returned at your cost. Please email if you would like to cancel your order.
We cannot take responsibility for a shipping address that is filled out incorrectly by the customer. However, if you email us at we will do our best to amend the address if possible.
Funds will be returned to you within 14 days of receiving the items back.